

image of my future dream wardrobe via archzine

my life is feeling very chaotic lately and i hate it.  i'm overcommited at work (thus the lack in posting) and i need the rest of my life to be as easy and and organized as possible so i don't feel so overwhelmed.  a simplified and better organized wardrobe (and living space but i'll get to that in a later post) is going to do wonders to my mental well-being.   i've already started "the great closet clean out of 2011", but i feel that i need to go deeper than just editing my clothes and really develop a strategy to organize it better.  do you have a system for your wardrobe?  do you organize by style, or color, or fabric, or designer?  do you keep photos on your shoeboxes? or offer up any other ocd tendencies??  seriously, i need help!

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